Sewing is a lot like life...sure, there are patterns for just about everything, but in order to love what you do, or love what you make, you have to change the pattern to make it your own regardless if the change is a fraction of an inch or the length of a yard. And more often that not, those choices you make to change the pattern do not work out exactly the way you hope. It can be frustrating and challenging, and sometimes you have have to rip it all apart at the seams and start completely over. Which requires patience. A lot of patience. But in doing so, you create something that is far more rewarding, and far more beautiful, then what you started with.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Minky Blankie for my Sweet E

When my oldest son Z was born, my Stepmom made him a super sweet crib blanket from super soft minky fabric, so when E was born, I wanted to make him one for his crib as well.

And here it is!

I love minky fabric, even though I find it kind of hard to sew with because it is so smooth. I used my walking foot and I still broke 2 needles sewing this one together. I still can't figure out why? Maybe the fabric was too thick in the corners?

Z still sleeps with his minky blankie and I hope E loves his just as much.

Happy Monday!


  1. That fabric is fantastic. I sneak rubs on it myself. :)

  2. Were you using heavy duty needles? It may need that on the thick areas. I bet it is REALLY snugly!

  3. Beautiful blanket - great colours!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
