Sewing is a lot like life...sure, there are patterns for just about everything, but in order to love what you do, or love what you make, you have to change the pattern to make it your own regardless if the change is a fraction of an inch or the length of a yard. And more often that not, those choices you make to change the pattern do not work out exactly the way you hope. It can be frustrating and challenging, and sometimes you have have to rip it all apart at the seams and start completely over. Which requires patience. A lot of patience. But in doing so, you create something that is far more rewarding, and far more beautiful, then what you started with.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday Treasury #20

I am in the market for a new wreath for Spring and I found these lovely ones on Etsy. Though, I still haven't bought one because I have a very small nagging suspicion that I already have one somewhere in storage around my house, so I think I will hold off for a short while longer. But if I do not find it by mid-April, I am giving myself permission to buy a new one....and it just might be one of these.

Fresh Lemon Leaf Wreath
by NHWoodsCreations

Casual Spring Bud and Berry Wreath
by MelanieLeeDesign

Preppy Lime Green Wreath
by seasidecotnaturals


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